Welcome ...
... to the website of the Dialogue Modelling Group in Amsterdam!
We carry out research at the interface of computational linguistics, cognitive modelling and artificial intelligence.
Our aim is to understand how we use language to communicate with each other in situated environments and how dialogue
interaction shapes learning -- about the world and about language itself. These are some of the topics we work on:
Computational semantics and pragmatics, LLM evaluation, visually grounded language,
conversational agents and learning from interaction, uncertainty in language understanding and generation,
language variation and change in communities of speakers, safety in conversational AI.
[news archive]
Affiliated Members
Alumni (incomplete list)
Alberto Testoni, postdoc 2023-2024, moved to postdoc in Responsible NLP and ML for Healthcare at the Amsterdam University Medical Centres.
Esam Ghaleb, postdoc 2022-2024, moved to postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen.
Ece Takmaz, PhD candidate 2019-2024, moved to postdoc at Utrecht University.
Mario Giulianelli, PhD candidate 2019-2023, moved to postdoc at ETH Zurich.
Arabella J. Sinclair, postdoc 2019-2022, moved to lecturer (assistant professor) at University of Aberdeen.
Marco Del Tredici, PhD candidate 2017-2020, moved to Machine Learning Scientist at Amazon Berlin.
Elia Bruni, postdoc 2016-2018, moved to Marie Curie fellow at UPF Barcelona.
Ravi Shekhar, PhD candidate 2016-2019, based in Tento and co-supervised with Raffaella Bernardi; moved to postdoc at Queen Mary University of London.
Julian J. Schlöder, PhD candiate 2014-2018, moved to postdoc at the ILLC.
Janosch Haber, MSc student 2018-2019, moved to PhD candidate at Queen Mary University of London.
Laura Aina, MSc student 2015-2017, moved to PhD candidate at UPF Barcelona.
Bill Noble, MSc student 2014-2016, moved to PhD candidate at CLASP, University of Gothenburg.
Some datasets, code, and other publicly available resources developed by the Dialogue Modelling Group. See also the links provided with each publication.
Language and vision
Linguistic variation and change
Other topics
News archive
- 24/10/2023 Paper accepted at WACV 2024 on gesture detection, led by Esam.
- 07/10/2023 Several papers accepted at EMNLP 2023! Check out the publications section
- 01/09/2023 Vera Neplenbroek joins the group as PhD candidate in the LESSEN project. Welcome, Vera!
- 05/06/2023 Anna Bavaresco joins the group as PhD candidate, supervised by Raquel. Welcome, Anna!
- 02/05/2023 Several papers accepted at ACL and Findings of ACL from our group! Check out the publications section
- 06/02/2023 Our article on semantic adaptation via linguistic interaction has now been published open access in the Cognitive Science journal.
- 01/02/2023 Alberto Testoni joins the lab as postdoc. Welcome, Alberto!
- 23/01/2023 Papers by Sandro and Michael accepted at EACL!
- 08/09/2022 Michael Hanna starts his PhD, supervised by Sandro Pezzelle. Welcome, Michael!
- 07/09/2022 A blog post and Twitter thread about our work on Structural Persistence in Language Models.
- 01/09/2022 Esam Ghaleb has joined our group as postdoc to work on modelling face-to-face dialogue within the Language in Interaction consortium. Welcome, Esam!
- 26/05/2022 Ece Takmaz receives the Best Shared Task Paper Award at the CMCL workshop (ACL 2022) - congrats, Ece!
- 25/03/2022 Check out Joris' blogpost on Implementing a Transformer from Scratch.
- 20/03/2022 Arabella J. Sinclair moves out to take up a Lectureship at the University of Aberdeen - congrats, Janie!
- 14/03/2022 Mario presents his work on strategies of language production at the Language Technology Group Seminar of the Univerisity of Oslo.
- 01/10/2021 Joris Baan has joined the group as ELLIS PhD candidate, co-supervised by Barbara Plank. Welcome, Joris!
- 01/09/2021 Sandro Pezzelle is now Assistant Professor in Responsible AI at the ILLC - congrats, Sandro!
- New work by our group to appear at EMNLP, CoNLL, TACL, and SemDial; checkout our publications.
- 22/02/2021 Blog post by science journalist Iris Proff, featuring work led by Ece on using human gaze to guide image description generation.
Ece will be discussing this work at the AI Meetings of Koç University on 9 March.
- 15/12/2020 Blog post by science journlist Iris Proff featuring Marco's work on fake news detection.
- 10/12/2020 Mario's MSc AI thesis on lexical semantic change has received the Amsterdam Data Science MSc Thesis Award!
- 06/11/2020 Congrats to Marco, who has successfuly defended his PhD thesis Linguistic Variation in Online Communities: A Computational Perspective
- New work by our group published at EMNLP (Generating Image Descriptions via Sequential Cross-Modal Alignment Guided by Human Gaze and
Refer, Reuse, Reduce...),
at Findings of EMNLP (Be Different to Be Better!),
at COLING (Words are the Window to the Soul...)
and at CLiC-It (Grounded and Ungrounded Referring Expressions in Human Dialogues).
- ACL 2020: Mario will be presenting the paper
Analysing Lexical Semantic Change with Contextualised Word Representations,
Lieke the paper Learning to Understand Child-directed and Adult-directed Speech
and Ece will be a live microblogger in the Language Grounding track (@ecekt2).
- Spring 2020: Sandro and Raquel were awarded a grant by the Research Priority Area Human(e) AI to carry out an interdisciplinary project on
adaptation of conversational agents to different age groups.
- Spring 2020: Ece has joined EACL's student board.